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Scala in Eclipse using Maven – M2Eclipse connector

·1 min

Obsolete Post While playing around with building Scala projects using Maven in Eclipse, I ran into a few problems. I solved these using the steps mentioned below.

Assumptions -

When creating your pom.xml file, you will run into the following error -

No marketplace entries found to handle maven-scala-plugin:2.15.2:compile in Eclipse.  Please see Help for more information.


Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.scala-tools:maven-scala-plugin

The reason for the above error is that you need to install the m2e-scala connector which still does not seem to have made into the mainstream M2E marketplace (you will encounter this while installing M2E or creating/checking-out a Maven project). To install this connector, add to your Available Software Sites in Eclipse and install the connector following the installation dialog. And you are done.